Strategies For Dealing With Caregiver Stress
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The emotional and physical demands involved with caregiving can strain even the most resilient person. That’s why it’s so important to take advantage of the many resources and tools available to help you provide care for your loved one. Remember, if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to care for anyone…
Validation Therapy and Dementia Care
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Validation is a good feeling. Most of us try to surround ourselves with people who, through their words and actions, make us feel understood and supported. The need to feel validated doesn’t disappear when someone develops Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia, but it can be hard for loves ones and caregivers to provide…
7 Ways of Helping a Person with Dementia Symptoms Feel Less Anxious
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This article was originally posted on, written by Valerie Feurich. Read the original article here > As you go through life, you may tend to take for granted the amazing feats and abilities of your brain. Remembering where you parked the car, how to make your favorite pasta dish, or being able to…
New Years Resolutions to Reduce The Risk of Cognitive Decline
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What if our resolutions could improve brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive decline? Wouldn’t we all want to accept the challenge? 1. Exercise your brain— As the saying goes, “Use it or lose it!” Keeping your brain stimulated can improve cognitive skills and reduce or risk of dementia. 2. Keep moving— Physical activity…
Asking people with memory loss about past holidays can help them recall happy times
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Using a process called reminiscence therapy, that may be possible. In reminiscence therapy, people are encouraged to dis- cuss memories of positive experiences. Most center on asking questions that may help prompt holiday-themed memories. The following are examples of what we at Primrose will ask our residents: What were your family traditions around the holidays…
Tips for meeting nutritional needs for those living with memory loss
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Eating a healthy and balanced diet can be a challenge for anyone, but for people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s, it often falls on caregivers to ensure meals are adequately prepared, served, and eaten. Outside of making sure appropriate nutrient and caloric needs are being met, caregivers for those with cognitive illnesses may also have…
Laughter is Good Medicine
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The effects of laughter have been researched so closely that there’s even a name for the field of study: gelotology. If you have a loved one who’s going through Alzheimer’s or dementia, you could probably use the boost that laughter gives. Here are some facts on laughter and how it impacts your state of mind:…
Primrose Tax Write-Offs
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The IRS issued new guidance on the tax rules on long-term care services and insurance in early 1997. For this year, the following rules apply. Please check with your tax preparer for details. 2019 Publication 502 IRS Topic 502 – Medical and Dental Expenses If you itemize your deductions for a taxable year on Form…
Tax Write-Offs for Long Term Care Facilities
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The IRS issued the following tax rules on long-term care services and insurance in early 1997. For this year, the following rules apply. Please check with your tax preparer for details. 2018 Publication 502 IRS Topic 502 – Medical and Dental Expenses If you itemize your deductions for a taxable year on Form 1040, Schedule…
Speak To The Heart
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We often do things that are seemingly minute to us, but these things can mean a great deal to others. Imagine that you have Alzheimer’s or dementia. Little by little your memory fades away. Not only would you forget how to do things like use the microwave and cook, but you forget your family and…